Why we exist
Your candidates deserve a constructive, personalized, and human feedback
Hundreds of thousands of job candidates receive generic, auto-generated, or absolutely no rejection feedback every single day.
Interview stage rejections daily
Neque luctus pharetra
Curabitur tempor tellus imperdiet augue nunc in dictum pharetra rhoncus nibh erat dis ultrices. Cras feugiat fringilla nullam est augue vis. Egestas amet erat risus. Mattis tortor faucibus condimentum amet erat consectetur leo sed volutpat.
Sed ligula ipsum augue parturient nulla et etiam
Curae enim sagittis nunc risus cubilia diam aliquam
Join the movement
The Candidate Pledge badge demonstrates a pledge to uphold transparency and support throughout the hiring process.This badge is for organizations to proudly display on their websites, signifying their commitment to providing constructive, personalized, and human feedback to all job candidates.
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148 x 66 pixels